Podman Desktop Community
Welcome to the Podman Desktop Community! We're excited to have you here. This is the place to connect with fellow developers, share your experiences, contribute to the project, and help shape the future of Podman Desktop.
Why Join the Community?
Podman Desktop is powered by an amazing open-source community. By joining, you can:
- Learn: Discover tips, tricks, and best practices for working with containers.
- Collaborate: Share your feedback and ideas to improve Podman Desktop.
- Contribute: Help build the project by reporting bugs, submitting code, or enhancing documentation.
- Connect: Meet like-minded developers who are passionate about containers and open-source.
Get Involved
1. Join the Conversation
Connect with the community through our official channels:
- Discord: Join our Discord.
- Github Discussions: Participate in discussions.
- Bluesky: Follow us on Bluesky.
- X: Follow us on X.
2. Contribute to the Project
We welcome contributions of all kinds! Here’s how you can get started:
- Code Contributions: Check out our GitHub repository for open issues and contribution guidelines.
- Report Issues: Found a bug or have a feature request? Let us know!
- Documentation: Help us improve our docs.
- Tutorials: Step-by-step guides to get started.
3. Attend Community Events
Join us at upcoming meetups, webinars, and conferences. Stay tuned for announcements on our blog.