The commands module provides functions to register and execute commands Existing commands available for extensions to use:
: uses Podman Desktop's UI pull image behavior. This command will create a visible task to show the progress of the pullImage action with the option to include a task action. It uses the same parameters as the original pullImage function, in addition to havingtaskActionName: string
andtaskActionCallback: () => void
as parameters to create a task action (optional).
import * as api from '@podman-desktop/api';
export async function activate(extensionContext: api.ExtensionContext): Promise<void> {
const myCommand = api.commands.registerCommand(
(arg1: string, arg2: number) => {
console.log('my-command executed with', arg1, arg2);
// [...]
api.commands.executeCommand('', 'a-string', 1001);