The Podman Desktop API is intended to be consumed by extensions interacting with Podman Desktop.
This documentation is automatically generated from typedoc comments
in the source code extension-api.d.ts
and provided on our website.
This type declaration file can be installed from the npm registry.
For more information, see the main Podman Desktop developing extensions documentation.
$ npm install @podman-desktop/api
import * as api from '@podman-desktop/api';
- authentication
- cli
- commands
- configuration
- containerEngine
- context
- env
- extensions
- fs
- imageChecker
- kubernetes
- navigation
- process
- provider
- proxy
- registry
- tray
- window
- Auditor
- AuditRecord
- AuditRequestItems
- AuditResult
- AuthConfig
- AuthenticationGetSessionOptions
- AuthenticationProvider
- AuthenticationProviderAuthenticationSessionsChangeEvent
- AuthenticationProviderInformation
- AuthenticationProviderOptions
- AuthenticationSession
- AuthenticationSessionAccountInformation
- AuthenticationSessionsChangeEvent
- AutostartContext
- BlkioStatEntry
- BlkioStats
- BuildImageOptions
- CancellationToken
- CheckResult
- CheckResultFixCommand
- Clipboard
- CliTool
- CliToolInfo
- CliToolInstaller
- CliToolOptions
- CliToolSelectUpdate
- CliToolUpdate
- CliToolUpdateOptions
- Command
- Configuration
- ConfigurationChangeEvent
- ContainerAuthInfo
- ContainerCreateOptions
- ContainerCreateResult
- ContainerEngineInfo
- ContainerInfo
- ContainerInspectInfo
- ContainerJSONEvent
- ContainerProviderConnection
- ContainerProviderConnectionEndpoint
- ContainerProviderConnectionFactory
- ContainerStatsInfo
- CPUStats
- CPUUsage
- CustomPick
- CustomPickItem
- CustomPickSectionItem
- DeviceMapping
- DeviceRequest
- EndpointIPAMConfig
- EndpointSettings
- Event
- Extension
- ExtensionContext
- FileSystemWatcher
- GenerateKubeResult
- HealthCheckLog
- HealthCheckResults
- HealthConfig
- HostConfig
- HostRestartPolicy
- ImageCheck
- ImageCheckerProvider
- ImageCheckerProviderMetadata
- ImageChecks
- ImageFile
- ImageFilesCallbacks
- ImageFilesProvider
- ImageFilesProviderMetadata
- ImageFileSymlink
- ImageFilesystemLayer
- ImageFilesystemLayers
- ImageInfo
- ImageInspectInfo
- InputBoxOptions
- InputBoxValidationMessage
- InstallCheck
- KubeconfigUpdateEvent
- KubernetesGeneratorProvider
- KubernetesProviderConnection
- KubernetesProviderConnectionEndpoint
- KubernetesProviderConnectionFactory
- LifecycleContext
- Link
- ListImagesOptions
- ListInfosOptions
- Logger
- ManifestCreateOptions
- ManifestInspectInfo
- ManifestPushOptions
- MemoryStats
- MenuItem
- MountSettings
- NetworkContainer
- NetworkCreateOptions
- NetworkCreateResult
- NetworkInfo
- NetworkingConfig
- NetworkInspectInfo
- NetworkStats
- NotificationOptions
- OpenDialogOptions
- PidsStats
- PodContainerInfo
- PodCreateOptions
- PodCreatePortOptions
- PodInfo
- PodmanContainerCreateOptions
- Port
- PortBinding
- PortMap
- Progress
- ProgressOptions
- Provider
- ProviderAutostart
- ProviderCleanup
- ProviderCleanupAction
- ProviderCleanupExecuteOptions
- ProviderConnectionFactory
- ProviderConnectionLifecycle
- ProviderConnectionShellAccess
- ProviderConnectionShellAccessData
- ProviderConnectionShellAccessError
- ProviderConnectionShellAccessSession
- ProviderConnectionShellDimensions
- ProviderContainerConnection
- ProviderDetectionCheck
- ProviderEvent
- ProviderImages
- ProviderInformation
- ProviderInstallation
- ProviderLifecycle
- ProviderOptions
- ProviderUpdate
- ProxySettings
- PullEvent
- QuickInputButton
- QuickPickItem
- QuickPickOptions
- RegisterContainerConnectionEvent
- RegisterKubernetesConnectionEvent
- Registry
- RegistryConfig
- RegistryCreateOptions
- RegistryProvider
- RegistrySuggestedProvider
- RunError
- RunOptions
- RunResult
- SaveDialogOptions
- SecretStorage
- SecretStorageChangeEvent
- StatusBarItem
- StorageStats
- TelemetryLogger
- TelemetryLoggerOptions
- TelemetrySender
- ThrottlingData
- UnregisterContainerConnectionEvent
- UnregisterKubernetesConnectionEvent
- UpdateContainerConnectionEvent
- UpdateKubernetesConnectionEvent
- VolumeCreateOptions
- VolumeCreateResponseInfo
- VolumeDeleteOptions
- VolumeInfo
- VolumeListInfo
- Webview
- WebviewInfo
- WebviewOptions
- WebviewPanel
- WebviewPanelOnDidChangeViewStateEvent
Type Aliases
- CheckResultLink
- CliToolInstallationSource
- CliToolState
- ConfigurationScope
- KubernetesGeneratorArgument
- KubernetesGeneratorSelector
- KubernetesGeneratorType
- MountConfig
- MountConsistency
- MountPropagation
- MountType
- NotificationType
- ProviderConnectionStatus
- ProviderLinks
- ProviderResult
- ProviderStatus
- StatusBarAlignment