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What are Testcontainers

Testcontainers is an open source library that allows you to test any containerized dependencies, such as databases, various cloud technologies, or message brokers. For ease of use, Testcontainers has many preconfigured dependencies called modules.

Besides that, Testcontainers supports various languages in which you can easily write your tests, such as Python, Go, Rust, Ruby, JavaScript, .NET, Java, and others.

Common use cases with Testcontainers

Thanks to the container technology, you can obtain fresh, clean instances without any complex setup for use cases such as:

  • Data access layer integration tests
  • UI/Acceptance tests
  • Application integration tests

Setup Testcontainers with Podman

Before we start, you need to have installed Podman and run it in socket listening:

$ podman system service --time=0 &

Set Testcontainers runtime to Podman by using one of the following options:

  • Enable the Docker Compatibility feature.

  • Create a file in your home directory for global configuration of your Testcontainers and add the following line to the configuration file:

    • MacOS$(podman machine inspect --format '{{.ConnectionInfo.PodmanSocket.Path}}')

      Run the following command after configuration:

      $ export TESTCONTAINERS_DOCKER_SOCKET_OVERRIDE=/var/run/docker.sock
    • Linux:${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/podman/podman.sock

      Every language supported by Testcontainers has different properties supported by the file.

OPTIONAL: If you are running Podman in rootless mode, you must disable Ryuk by defining this environment variable:


Creating a project

This example uses the Redis service and Redis module from Testcontainers. You can create a project and install all the dependencies by following the procedure.

  1. Initialize a project.

    $ npm init -y
  2. Installing dependencies.

    $ npm install testcontainers vitest @testcontainers/redis redis typescript --save-dev
  3. Update package.json file.

    "scripts": {
    "test": "vitest"
  4. Create basic CRUD operations using the Redis Node.js library.

    import { createClient, RedisClientType } from 'redis';

    let redisClient: RedisClientType | undefined = undefined;

    export async function connectRedis(url: string) {
    redisClient = createClient({ url });
    await redisClient.connect();
    return redisClient;

    export async function setValue(key: string, value: string): Promise<string | null> {
    if (!redisClient) {
    throw new Error('Redis client is not connected');
    return await redisClient.set(key, value);

    export async function getValue(key: string): Promise<string | null> {
    if (!redisClient) {
    throw new Error('Redis client is not connected');
    return redisClient.get(key);

    export async function deleteValue(key: string[]): Promise<number> {
    if (!redisClient) {
    throw new Error('Redis client is not connected');
    return await redisClient.del(key);

    export async function disconnectRedis() {
    if (redisClient) {
    await redisClient.quit();
    redisClient = undefined;
  5. Create basic tests for CRUD operations.

    import { afterAll, beforeAll, beforeEach, expect, test } from 'vitest';
    import { connectRedis, deleteValue, disconnectRedis, getValue, setValue } from '.';
    import { RedisContainer, StartedRedisContainer } from '@testcontainers/redis';
    import { Wait } from 'testcontainers';
    import { createClient } from 'redis';

    let container: StartedRedisContainer;

    beforeAll(async () => {
    container = await new RedisContainer()
    .withWaitStrategy(Wait.forLogMessage('Ready to accept connections'))

    await connectRedis(`redis://localhost:${container.getMappedPort(6379)}`);

    afterAll(async () => {
    await disconnectRedis();

    beforeEach(async () => {
    // Flushind DB and adding to Redis some values before each test
    const client = createClient({ url: `redis://localhost:${container.getMappedPort(6379)}` });
    await client.connect();

    await client.flushDb();
    await client.set('preset-key', 'preset-value');
    await client.set('preset-key1', 'preset-value1');
    await client.quit();

    test('set value on server', async () => {
    // Set value
    const ret = await setValue('key', 'value');

    // Update value
    const ret1 = await setValue('key', 'updated-value');

    test('get value from server', async () => {
    // Get preset value
    const value = await getValue('preset-key');

    // Get not existing value
    const value1 = await getValue('key');

    test('delete value on server', async () => {
    // Delete two records in a same time
    const res = await deleteValue(['preset-key', 'preset-key1']);

    // Delete not existing record
    const res1 = await deleteValue(['key']);

Running tests

When running Testcontainers for the first time, ensure that you run your tests in DEBUG mode by using this command:

$ DEBUG=testcontainers* npm test

Then, you should be able to see lines similar to the ones below:

testcontainers [DEBUG] Loading "" file...
testcontainers [DEBUG] Loaded "" file
testcontainers [DEBUG] Found custom configuration: dockerHost: "unix:///run/user/1000//podman/podman.sock

Those lines indicate that Testcontainers found the configuration file, and the containers are created on the Podman engine instead of Docker.


This tutorial provides a basic step-by-step walkthrough using the Testcontainers technology to run a Redis server with Podman. More examples can be found in the guides of Testcontainers. If you encounter any problems, feel free to open an issue on Podman Desktop's GitHub.