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Interface: TelemetryLoggerOptions

Defined in: packages/extension-api/src/extension-api.d.ts:4514

Options for creating a TelemetryLogger



readonly optional additionalCommonProperties: Record<string, any>

Defined in: packages/extension-api/src/extension-api.d.ts:4531

Any additional common properties which should be injected into the data object.


readonly optional ignoreBuiltInCommonProperties: boolean

Defined in: packages/extension-api/src/extension-api.d.ts:4519

Whether or not you want to avoid having the built-in common properties such as os, extension name, etc injected into the data object. Defaults to false if not defined.


readonly optional ignoreUnhandledErrors: boolean

Defined in: packages/extension-api/src/extension-api.d.ts:4525

Whether or not unhandled errors on the extension host caused by your extension should be logged to your sender. Defaults to false if not defined.