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Building an image on your container engine

With Podman Desktop, you can build an image from a Containerfile on your container engine.


  • Your Containerfile: Containerfile or Dockerfile.


  1. Go to Images.
  2. Click Build an image.
  3. On the Build Image from Containerfile screen
    1. Containerfile path: select the Containerfile or Dockerfile to build.
    2. Image Name: enter your image name, such as my-image. If you want to push the image to a registry, use the fully qualified image name that your registry requires, such as,, or
    3. Click Build.
    4. Click Done.


  1. Go to Images.
  2. : Enter your image name, such as,, or
  3. Click the line with your image name.
  4. Go to History.
    1. Click the content area to activate it.
    2. Enter Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux, or + F on macOS to start searching in the content.
  5. Go to Inspect.
    1. Click the content area to activate it.
    2. Enter Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux, or + F on macOS to start searching in the content.
  6. Click ..
    1. You see the Create a container screen.