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Building an image on your container engine

With Podman Desktop, you can build an image from a Containerfile on your container engine.


  • Your Containerfile: Containerfile or Dockerfile.


  1. Go to Images from the left navigation pane.
  2. Click Build. build button
  3. Provide the following details:
    • Containerfile path: Select the Containerfile or Dockerfile to build.
    • Build context directory: The field automatically picks the context directory based on the file path. You can change the directory, if needed.
    • Image Name: Enter your image name, such as my-image. If you want to push the image to a registry, use the fully qualified image name that your registry requires, such as,, or
    • Build arguments: Pass the key and value for the arguments defined in your Containerfile or Dockerfile, if needed.
    • Platform: Select multiple platforms on which you want to build the image. The default platform is Intel and AMD x86_64 systems.
  4. Click Build. building image from containerfile
  5. Click Done after the image is built.


  1. View the newly created image on the same page. newly created image
  2. Click the name of the image to view its summary. image summary page
  3. Optional: View the history of the image or inspect the image.