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Installing the Kind extension


Kind is a built-in extension to Podman Desktop and no installation is necessary.

The Kind extension provides the capability of creating a local Kubernetes cluster using only containers rather than a Virtual Machine.


Install Podman Desktop to have the extension available. To confirm the built-in extension is installed, you can find Kind within the Extensions section of Podman Desktop.


The following video provides a complete guide on creating a single-node cluster:


If you are running Podman Desktop in a Linux system host and enabling the Contour ingress controller, you need to ensure that the ip_tables module is loaded, otherwise the envoy pod will fail to insert an iptable rule that it needs in order to be deployed (/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -S CNI-HOSTPORT-SETMARK 1 --wait). To accomplish that, run the command sudo modprobe ip_tables to enable the required module, and then the command lsmod | grep ip_tables to check if it is enabled.