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Setting up container registries

Before you start

Before you start, you should:

  • Get authentication details for your container registry:
    • Registry URL.
    • User name.
    • Password, or OAuth secret.
  • Get the fully qualified name of a private image stored in your registry, such as my-registry.tld/my-repository/my-image.
  • Get the fully qualified image name that your registry requires to push an image, such as my-registry.tld/my-repository/my-image.

Setting up a pre-configured registry

To ease usage of the most popular container registries, Podman Desktop has pre-configured registries, including:

  • Docker Hub
  • Red Hat Quay
  • GitHub
  • Google Container Registry

If your container registry is in this list, follow the steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Registries.

  2. In your registry line, click Configure.

  3. Enter your registry credentials:

    Authenticating to a pre-configured registry

    1. Username: Enter your user name.
    2. Password: Enter your password or OAuth secret.
    3. Click Login.

Podman Desktop logs Podman in with the provided credentials.

If you enter the wrong credentials, you see an error message:

  1. Enter the correct credentials
  2. Click Login again.

Setting up a custom registry

You have a custom container registry, or one that is not available in the pre-configured list: we have got you covered. Follow the steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Registries.

  2. Click Add registry at the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Enter your registry details:

    Adding a custom registry

    1. Registry Location: Enter your repository URL, such as https://myregistry.tld.
    2. Username: Enter your user name.
    3. Password: Enter your password or OAuth secret.
    4. Click Login.

Podman Desktop logs Podman in with the provided credentials.

If you enter the wrong credentials, you see an error message:

  1. Enter the correct credentials
  2. Click Login again.

Setting up a registry with an insecure certificate

If your registry has an insecure certificate, such as a self-signed certificate, you see a warning when setting up the registry.

  1. In the Invalid Certificate window, click Yes to add the registry anyway.

    Podman Desktop Registry Warning

  2. Tell Podman that it has your authorization to access the insecure registry: edit the registries.conf file.

    1. Go to a location where you can edit the registries.conf file:

      • The configuration file is in the Podman machine: open a terminal in the Podman Machine.

        $ podman machine ssh --username root [optional-machine-name]
    2. Edit the registry optional configuration file.

      # vi /etc/containers/registries.conf`

      For each insecure registry, add a [[registry]] section that defines:

      • location =: Enter your registry URL.
      • insecure = true: Accept the insecure certificate.

      For example, if your have two registries, such as https://my-registry.tld and, add the following lines:

      location = "my-registry.tld"
      insecure = true

      location = ""
      insecure = true
  3. Restart Podman to apply the changes.

    1. Go to Settings > Resources.
    2. Restart the Podman machine.

Verifying your registry setup

To verify your registry has been properly configured, you can do the following steps:

  1. In Settings > Registries, the line with your registry has content in the Username and Password column, and action icons replacing the Configure button.

  2. Pull a private image from the registry.

    1. Get the name of a private image stored in your registry, such as,,, or my-registry.tld/my-repository/my-image.
    2. Go to Images.
    3. Click Pull an image.
    4. On the Image to Pull screen:
      1. Image to pull: Enter the image name.
      2. Click Pull image.
    5. Click Done.
  3. Push an image to the registry:

    1. Get the fully qualified image name that your registry requires, such as,, or

    2. Go to Images.

    3. Click Build an image.

    4. On the Build Image from Containerfile screen

      1. Containerfile path: select the Containerfile or Dockerfile to build.
      2. Image Name: enter the fully qualified image name that your registry requires.
      3. Click Build.
      4. Click Done.
    5. On your image line, click .

      The contextual menu has a Push Image to your registry entry.

Changing your credentials

To change your registry credentials, you can do the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Registries.
  2. On your registry line, click .
  3. Click Edit password.
  4. Enter your credentials in the Username and Password fields, and click Login.

Podman Desktop logs Podman in with the updated credentials.

Removing a registry

To remove your registry, you can do the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Registries.
  2. On your registry line, click .
  3. Click Remove.

Podman Desktop removes the registry from the settings, and logs Podman out from the registry.

Finding Podman registry configuration files

Podman has two files to configure registries:

  • auth.json defines the authentication to registries.

    Podman Desktop stores this file directly on your host, in $HOME/.config/containers/auth.json.

    The Podman machine mounts the authentication configuration file to access it.

    When you delete the Podman machine, the registry configuration is not lost: it stays on your host.

  • registries.conf defines optional features, such as allowing insecure certificates.

    The Podman machine stores the file in /etc/containers/registries.conf.

    When you delete the Podman machine, this file is deleted.

Next steps

Consider completing some other common tasks that depend registries:

  • Pulling an image.
  • Pushing an image to a registry.