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Starting a container on your container engine

With Podman Desktop, you can start a container from an image on your container engine. You can interact with the running container by using the terminal in Podman Desktop, or by opening your browser to the exposed ports.


  • The Images list has your image, such as


  1. Go to Images.
  2. On the line with your image name, such as, click .
  3. On the Create a container screen, review the configuration.
  4. Click Start Container.


  1. Go to Containers.
  2. : Enter your image name, such as, to find your running container.
  3. Click your running container name.
  4. To view logs:
    1. Go to Logs.
    2. Browse the content.
  5. To inspect the container:
    1. Go to Inspect.
    2. Click the content area to activate it.
    3. Enter Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux, or + F on macOS to start searching in the content.
  6. To generate Kubernetes YAML, when your container engine is Podman:
    1. Go to Kube.
    2. Click the content area to activate it.
    3. Enter Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux, or + F on macOS to start searching in the content.
    4. Copy the content to a YAML file.
    5. Later, you can reuse this file to start a container in Podman from Kubernetes YAML, or to start a pod in Kubernetes.
  7. To interact with the container terminal:
    1. Go to Terminal.
    2. Click the content area to activate the terminal.
    3. Enter your commands.
  8. To interact with the exposed ports:
    1. Click .
    2. Your browser opens a page to the first exposed port on localhost.
  9. To deploy to your current Kubernetes context, when you container engine is Podman:
    1. Click .
    2. Review the Deploy generated pod to Kubernetes screen.
    3. Click .
  10. To stop the container:
  11. Click .
  12. To delete the container:
  13. Click .