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Creating an OpenShift Local instance

Red Hat OpenShift Local manages a minimal OpenShift or MicroShift cluster on your workstation for local development and testing.

With Podman Desktop and the OpenShift Local extension, you can manage your OpenShift Local instances.



  1. Install the OpenShift Local extension: on to Dashboard, click OpenShift Local .

  2. Install the OpenShift Local binaries, when on the Dashboard, you see Podman Desktop was not able to find an installation of OpenShift Local.

    1. In the OpenShift Local tile, click Install.
    2. When prerequisites are missing, follow the instructions.
    3. In the Red Hat OpenShift Local screen, click Yes to start the installation.
    4. Follow the installation program instructions.
    5. Reboot to finalize system changes.
  3. (Optionally) Review the extension settings in Settings > Preferences > Extension: Red Hat OpenShift Local.

  4. On the Dashboard, click Initialize and start.

    1. Select your OpenShift Local Virtual machine preset, if not set in Settings > Preferences > Extension: Red Hat OpenShift Local > Preset.

      • MicroShift (experimental): provides a lightweight and optimized environment with a limited set of services.
      • OpenShift: provides a single node OpenShift cluster with a fuller set of services, including a web console (requires more resources).
    2. Provide a pull secret, required to pull container images from the registry:

      1. Open the Red Hat OpenShift Local download page.
      2. Click Copy pull secret.
      3. Get back to Podman Desktop.
      4. Paste the pull secret, and press Enter.


  1. On the Dashboard screen, OpenShift Local is running.

  2. On the Settings > Resources screen, your OpenShift Local instance is running.

    Developer Sandbox is running

  3. Select your OpenShift Local instance the Podman Desktop tray.

  4. Run basic tasks such as:

Additional resources