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Pulling an image to your container engine

With Podman Desktop, you can pull an image from a registry, to your container engine.


  • The image is available in a registry.
  • If the registry or the image are not publicly available, you configured access to the registry on Podman Desktop in Settings > Registries.


  1. Go to Images.
  2. Click Pull an image.
  3. On the Image to Pull screen:
    1. Image to pull: enter the image name, such as Prefer the fully qualified image name that specifies the registry, to the short name that might lead to registry resolution mistakes.
    2. Click Pull image.
  4. Click Done.


  1. Go to Images.
  2. Click the image name you pulled, such as Podman Desktop always displays the fully qualified image name.
  3. Go to Summary.
  4. Go to History.
    1. Click the output area.
    2. Enter Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux, or + F on macOS to start searching in the content.
  5. Go to Inspect.
    1. Click the output area.
    2. Enter Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux, or + F on macOS to start searching in the content.