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Configuring a mirror registry

You can add registry locations and configure their mirrors by using the Podman Desktop UI. By configuring a mirror, you can redirect a registry to another location and use its content, such as images, files, and other resources during development.



  1. Go to the Settings > Resources page.
  2. Select More Options > Setup registry configuration in the Podman tile. A command palette opens. Set up registry configuration
  3. Set up your registry configuration:
    1. Select the Add registry configuration option from the command palette. adding registry configuration
    2. Type the location of the registry, such as, and press the Enter key. The registry is added to the palette. registry added
    3. Select from the command palette.
    4. Type the location where you want to mirror the registry, such as, and press the Enter key. The entry for the registry shows the location where it is mirrored. mirrored registry location
    5. Select the End configuring registries option to end registry configuration. ending registry configuration