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Restarting your local Kind-powered Kubernetes cluster

With Podman Desktop, you can restart your local Kind-powered Kubernetes cluster.


Perform one of the following steps:

  • Restart using the Settings page
    1. Open Settings > Resources.
    2. Find the Kind cluster to restart.
    3. Click the Restart icon. restart using the settings page
  • Restart using the Containers page:
    1. Open Containers from the left navigation pane.
    2. Click the overflow menu icon corresponding to the Kind cluster container and select Restart Container. restart using the Containers page


  1. Open Containers from the left navigation pane.
  2. Find the Kind cluster that restarted. The cluster Age is consistent with the restart time.
  3. Open Pods from the left navigation pane.
  4. Find the pods that are running on your Kind cluster.


Kind has no command to restart a cluster. Therefore, Podman Desktop stops the Kind cluster, starts it again, and hopes for the best. The Kind cluster might not restart successfully. In that case: