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Uninstall Podman Desktop

Uninstalling Podman Desktop does not automatically remove the created Kubernetes clusters, Podman, or other resources. To uninstall, perform the following tasks:

  1. Optional: Remove cluster resources
  2. Uninstall Podman
  3. Uninstall Podman Desktop

Optional: Remove cluster resources

  • For Kind, use the UI to delete the Kind cluster or run the kind delete clusters --all command.

  • For Minikube, run minikube delete and then remove the ~/.minikube folder.


    You can find the installed binaries and plugins for Podman Desktop at ~/.local/share/containers/podman-desktop/extensions-storage/, and you may delete them if necessary.

Uninstall Podman

You can delete all pods, containers, and images by removing the Podman machine.

  1. Remove all Podman machines:
    $ podman machine reset -f
  2. Uninstall Podman from the Start menu, Settings, or Control Panel. For more details, see the resource.
  3. Remove Podman files and configurations:
    rm -rf ~/.local/share/containers/podman
    rm -rf ~/.config/containers/
    rm -rf ~/AppData/Roaming/containers

Uninstall Podman Desktop

  1. Choose an uninstall method based on how Podman Desktop was installed and perform the necessary step:

    uninstall methods:

    • Installer
    • Chocolatey
    • Scoop
    • Winget


    • Uninstall Podman Desktop from the Start menu, Settings, or Control Panel. For more details, see the resource.


    • Run the following command:

      > choco uninstall podman-desktop

    Scoop package manager for Windows

    • Run the following command:

      > scoop uninstall podman-desktop


    • Run the following command:

      > winget uninstall -e --id RedHat.Podman-Desktop
  2. Remove the Podman Desktop configuration files:

    $ rm -rf ~/.local/share/containers/podman-desktop/
    $ rm -rf ~/AppData/Roaming/Podman Desktop
  3. Remove temporary files, caches, and blobs:

    $ rm -rf ~/AppData/Roaming/Podman Desktop